
Главная / MKVcleaver 

MKVcleaver is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for mkvtoolnix, designed to extract data from MKV files

MKVcleaver – графическая оболочка для утилиты MKVToolnix, которая предназначена для извлечения данных из файлов формата MKV (Матроска). Программа прекрасно работает как с одним файлом, так и с несколькими, позволяя на лету загружать или извлекать необходимые данные.

MKVcleaver is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for mkvtoolnix, designed to extract data from MKV files. It can be used in a batch mode (loading and extracting data from many files) as well as single file mode. It has a simple GUI interface, but a lot of functionality. Requires mkvtoolnix.

All features / Full description:
MKVcleaver has the following features:

Drag & Drop support
Per file setting override
Detailed information for each file on demand
File naming options for easy sorting
Language tag for audio and subtitle tracks
Save files to original directory or select a single directory
Raw FLAC output option
Automatic file format detection
Automatic track codec detection
Automatic extension assignment
VFR detection
Automatic timecode extraction for VFR tracks
Timecodes only mode
Custom extensions for any codec
Remembers position of GUI window
Convert H264 tracks to AVI option
Detailed progress of extraction process
Copies needed files into the same directory automatically

Смотрите также: MkvToolnix

Download / Загрузить файл: MKVCleaver_x86_v0607_Installer.msi
Размер файла: 3000KB, загружено 13280 раз

03/10/2011 | Автор:  | Добавил (а): Antar

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